Tuesday, November 27, 2012

TA 10 blog #9 The Wild Duck

If I were the director in The Wild Duck, I would create the play how I see it in my head. The beginning scene was different in my head than what Chicago has decided to do with the play. If I were to re-create this scene, I would have the stage have very dim lighting, and the walls would be painted red. The actors would be eating on silver plates, and the glasses would have red wine in them. The people would not be on a bench, they would be sitting on newly-embroidered pillows, that are tied to their oak chairs. The food on the table would be turkey, danishes, and all sorts of treats. the dining room should look extravagant, but it must not show too much wealth. The family is not completely rich, they brought out their nicest thing because it is a welcome home party for Gregers.
     The characters would all be dressed in vests and nice blazers. the women at the table are wearing nice dresses. Everyone at the dinner party is very loud, and having a great time, and all break into silence once Hialmar Ekdal enters the room. The scene will continue, and the fireplace will make the lighting on stage really glow. Fireplace light really gives an erie shadow on the character's faces. The whole act should be very dark and mysterious.

Chicago's production of The Wild Duck

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